Bone broth isn't just a trendy superfood for humans. It's also a fantastic addition to your dog's diet. Packed with nutrients like collagen, amino acids, and minerals, bone broth supports everything from joint health to digestion. 

At A Pup Above, we understand the importance of providing your dogs with not just good food, but the best food. That's why we're diving into the benefits of bone broth for dogs and sharing some recipes that are both delicious and nutritious.

What Is Bone Broth?

Imagine a pot simmering gently on the stove, filled with bones, a splash of vinegar, and some water. That’s the start of bone broth. This simple mixture slowly transforms into a rich, flavorful broth teeming with natural nutrients after hours of simmering. 

Bone broth is essentially a nutrient-dense stock that's not only incredibly tasty but also loaded with health benefits that can make a big difference in your dog’s vitality and well-being. Think of it as a nourishing hug for their insides, made from ingredients that support their body's needs from snout to tail.

What Are the Benefits of Bone Broth for Dogs?

So why all the buzz about bone broth for dogs? This savory elixir is more than just a tasty treat; it's a powerhouse of health benefits

Here’s how a sip of bone broth can significantly improve your pup’s quality of life:

  • Joint Health: Thanks to the high levels of collagen and gelatin that seep from the bones during cooking, bone broth is a natural supporter of joint health, helping to lubricate and cushion your dog's joints.
  • Digestive Aid: The amino acids in bone broth, like glycine and glutamine, support a healthy digestive system. They help maintain the integrity of the gut lining and can ease chronic digestive issues.
  • Immune System Boost: Rich in minerals like zinc, selenium, and magnesium, bone broth helps fortify your dog’s immune system, providing them with a better defense against infections.
  • Hydration and Appetite Stimulation: For dogs that struggle with their appetite, bone broth can be an enticing way to encourage eating. It’s also a fantastic source of hydration, particularly important for dogs that may not drink enough water on their own.

By incorporating bone broth into your dog’s diet, you’re not just spicing up their meals — you’re enhancing their overall health and vitality. Whether served alone or mixed into their favorite food, bone broth is a simple addition that packs a profound health punch.

How Do I Make Dog-Safe Bone Broth?

Ready to transform simple kitchen ingredients into a superfood for your pup? Making dog-safe bone broth is straightforward and rewarding, providing you with a healthy supplement to enhance your dog's meals. 

Here’s how to do it step by step:

Step 1: Choose the Right Bones

Start with high-quality bones from beef, chicken, or turkey. You can use a mix of marrow bones, joints, and other cuts that contain connective tissue. This variety is key to getting that rich, gelatinous quality that makes bone broth so beneficial.

Step 2: Prepare the Ingredients

If using raw bones, consider roasting them first for about 30 minutes at 400°F. This step is optional but can enhance the flavor of the broth. Then, place the bones in a large pot or slow cooker.

Step 3: Add Vinegar

Add a splash of apple cider vinegar to the pot. The acidity helps leach minerals from the bones, ensuring your broth is packed with nutrients.

Step 4: Simmer Slowly

Cover the bones with water so they are fully submerged. Bring the mixture to a simmer, then reduce the heat to maintain a low, gentle simmer. For a slow cooker, set it on low. Allow the broth to cook for 24 to 48 hours. The longer it cooks, the more nutritious and rich it will be.

Step 5: Cool and Strain

Once cooking is complete, allow the broth to cool. Strain it to remove all bone fragments and any solid pieces. This step ensures the broth is safe and pleasant for your dog to consume.

Step 6: Store Properly

Pour the strained broth into storage containers. You can keep it in the refrigerator for up to five days or freeze it in smaller portions for easy use. Ice cube trays are great for freezing broth into manageable servings.

Are There Different Bone Broth Recipes To Try?

Absolutely! Once you've mastered the basics of making bone broth, you can experiment with various recipes to keep things interesting for both you and your pup. 

Check out these creative twists on traditional bone broth that can offer different flavors and additional health benefits:

Beef and Turmeric Bone Broth

Add turmeric to your beef bone broth for a soothing boost. Turmeric is known for its curcumin content, which can help soothe tension and support joint health. Just a teaspoon of ground turmeric per gallon of broth can make a significant difference.

Chicken and Ginger Bone Broth

Incorporate fresh ginger into your chicken bone broth to enhance its digestive benefits. Ginger is great for soothing upset stomachs and can help calm nausea. Slice a few pieces of fresh ginger root and add them to the pot during the last few hours of simmering.

Herbal Immunity Broth

For an immune-boosting broth, add a bundle of fresh herbs like parsley, thyme, and oregano in the last hour of cooking. These herbs not only add a burst of flavor but also come packed with antioxidants that support overall health.

Cooling Cucumber Broth

During warmer months, try a cooling broth variation. After making your regular bone broth, allow it to cool and blend it with cucumber and mint for a refreshing treat. This can be especially soothing and hydrating during hot days.

What Are Some Tips for Giving Bone Broth to Your Dog?

Now that you've got a steaming pot of bone broth ready, let's talk about how you can serve it up in ways that make your pup sit, stay, and wag with joy! 

Here’s how to make the most of it:

Make Dinner Time Special

Pour a little bone broth over your dog's usual meal. It’s a simple way to add a splash of flavor and nutrition.

And if you're feeding them one of our scrumptious sous-vide dishes, like the Chicken Chicka Bow Wow or the Beef Pot Roast, mixing in some warm broth can make those meals even more irresistible. It’s like upgrading a regular meal to a gourmet feast without the fuss!

Broth Cubes for the Win

Freeze the broth in ice cube trays and pop one out as a refreshing treat, especially on those hot summer days or after some active play. It’s a hydrating snack that comes with a punch of protein and minerals.

Keep Them Hydrated

For dogs that aren’t keen on drinking their water, adding some flavorful bone broth to their water bowl can encourage them to stay hydrated. It’s a tasty trick to keep them sipping throughout the day.

Gentle on the Tummy

If your dog has a sensitive stomach or is recovering from illness, bone broth can be soothing and easy to digest. It’s a warm, comforting treat that can help them feel better while providing essential nutrients to aid their recovery.


So, is bone broth good for dogs? Absolutely! This nutritious elixir not only enhances mealtime with its rich flavor but also delivers a host of health benefits, from boosting joint health and digestion to strengthening the immune system and aiding hydration. 

At A Pup Above, we’re all about providing the very best for your pups, and incorporating bone broth into their diet is a simple yet effective way to do just that.

Don't forget to mix things up with our delicious sous-vide, human-grade dog food options. Whether you're soaking our Turkey Pawella in a savory broth or adding a bone broth ice cube to a serving of Porky’s Luau, these meals are designed to nourish and delight your furry family member. 

Dive into our offerings and see just how tasty and healthy dog food can be — because at A Pup Above, we believe every meal should be delicious and nutritious.


What Is Bone Broth? | Cooking School | Food Network

Is bone broth good for you? | MD Anderson Cancer Center

Therapeutic Effects of Amino Acids in Liver Diseases | PMC

Turmeric Benefits | Johns Hopkins Medicine