Teaching your dog tricks is a great way to strengthen your bond and set them up for success, including leash training or crate training. While commands like “sit” and “stay” are essential, adding fun tricks to your dog’s repertoire can make training even more enjoyable. Plus, many tricks have practical benefits, like encouraging focus and coordination.

At A Pup Above, we know that a well-trained pup is a happy pup. Just like proper nutrition fuels a dog’s body, training keeps their mind sharp and their behavior well-balanced. 

Whether you’re working with a young puppy or an older dog, these four tricks are simple to teach and useful in everyday life. Get ready to grab some treats, have some fun, and give your pup a new challenge!

1. Shake/Paw 

One of the easiest and most rewarding tricks to teach your dog is “Shake” (or “Paw”). This classic move is a great way to introduce your pup to trick training and can also be helpful for grooming, vet visits, and polite greetings.

How To Teach It

  1. Start With a Sit: Have your dog sit in front of you to ensure they are focused.
  2. Offer Your Hand: Hold out your hand, palm up, in front of their paw. If they don’t react, place a treat in your hand to get their attention.
  3. Encourage Paw Movement: Many dogs will naturally lift a paw in curiosity. As soon as they do, praise them and reward them with a treat. If your dog doesn’t lift their paw, gently tap or lift it to show them what you want.
  4. Add the Cue: Once they start offering their paw consistently, introduce the verbal command (“Shake” or “Paw”) and continue rewarding.
  5. Practice & Reinforce: Repeat the process in short training sessions until your dog responds reliably.

Troubleshooting Tips

Once your pup masters the shake, you can level up by teaching a “High Five” or alternating paws for a more advanced version of the trick!

2. Spin 

Teaching your dog to spin is a fun and engaging trick that helps with coordination, focus, and responsiveness to cues. It’s also a great way to get your pup moving and can be used as a warm-up before more structured training sessions.

How To Teach It

  1. Lure With a Treat: Hold a treat near your dog’s nose and slowly move your hand in a circular motion to encourage them to follow.
  2. Guide the Spin: As your dog follows the treat, they’ll naturally turn in a circle. Once they complete the spin, praise them and give the treat.
  3. Introduce the Cue: After a few repetitions, add a verbal cue like “Spin” while continuing to use the hand motion.
  4. Practice Both Directions: Start with one direction first, then teach the opposite direction using a different cue (e.g., “Reverse” or “Other way”).
  5. Fade the Lure: Once your dog understands the motion, phase out the treat lure and use only the verbal cue and hand signal.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • If your dog is hesitant, break the trick into smaller steps, rewarding them for even partial turns.
  • Make sure your pup is on a non-slip surface to prevent slipping while spinning.
  • Make training sessions short and positive to maintain enthusiasm.

This trick is a crowd-pleaser and a great way to build engagement and responsiveness with your pup. Once they master it, try adding a “Dance” cue for an extra stylish spin!

3. Play Dead 

“Play Dead” is one of the most entertaining tricks a dog can learn, and it’s surprisingly useful! When you want to impress friends or help your pup stay still for grooming or vet visits, this trick is a great addition to your training routine.

How To Teach It

  1.  Have your dog lie down on their belly.

  2. Hold a treat near their nose and slowly move it toward their shoulder. This should encourage them to roll onto one side. Reward them when they do.
  3.  Once your dog consistently rolls onto their side, introduce a verbal cue like “Bang” or “Play Dead.” You can also add a dramatic hand signal, like pointing your fingers like a “finger gun.”
  4.  Some dogs may pop up too quickly. Reward them for staying on their side for a few seconds before giving the release cue.
  5. Gradually extend the amount of time your dog stays “dead” before giving them their reward.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • If your pup struggles to roll onto their side, try using a softer surface like a dog bed to make it more comfortable.
  • Keep sessions lighthearted and fun; this trick works best when dogs enjoy the drama of it!
  • If your dog jumps up too fast, reward them only when they stay down for a longer period.

With a little practice, your dog will be dropping to the floor dramatically on cue which is guaranteed to get a laugh from any audience!

4. Put Toys Away 

Teaching your dog to put their toys away is also a practical skill that will help keep your home tidy! This trick engages your pup’s problem-solving skills while reinforcing positive behaviors like following commands and retrieving objects.

How To Teach It

  1. Start With Fetch: If your dog already knows how to fetch, you’re halfway there! Encourage them to pick up a toy and bring it to you.
  2. Introduce the Toy Bin: Place a toy bin nearby and have your dog drop the toy near it. Reward them with praise and treats.
  3. Shape the Behavior: Gradually guide them to drop the toy inside the bin. If needed, use a treat to lure their nose over the bin so the toy falls in.
  4. Add a Cue: Once they reliably drop the toy into the bin, introduce a verbal cue like “Clean up” or “Put it away.”
  5. Build Consistency: Repeat with different toys until they understand the routine. Eventually, you can point to scattered toys, give the cue, and watch your pup clean up!

Troubleshooting Tips 

This trick is a game-changer for pet parents because it teaches dogs responsibility!

Wrapping Up

Teaching your dog new tricks is a fantastic way to strengthen your bond, provide mental stimulation, and reinforce good behavior. Whether it’s a simple greeting like “Shake,” a playful spin, a dramatic “Play Dead,” or a helpful cleanup routine, these tricks keep training fun and rewarding for both you and your pup.

Remember, patience and positive reinforcement are key. Every dog learns at their own pace, so celebrate small victories and keep sessions short and enjoyable. If a trick isn’t clicking, take a break and try again later—your pup will appreciate the relaxed approach.

Most importantly, have fun! Training should be a joyful experience that enhances your relationship with your dog. Grab some treats or human grade fresh dog food, get started, and enjoy watching your dog show off their new skills!


Improving dog training methods: Efficacy and efficiency of reward and mixed training methods | NIH 

The effect of frequency and duration of training sessions on acquisition and long-term memory in dogs | Research Gate

Current Trends in Canine Problem-Solving and Cognition | NIH 

Positive reinforcement training | The Humane Society of the United States

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